14 JUN 2023

5 benefits of online tutoring

Elton Rodrigues 3 min read

The benefits of tutoring online

🚀 The 5 main benefits of online tutoring

  1. Flexible and time efficient. Any time, anywhere with no wasted travel time
  2. Access to more tutors and students from around the world
  3. Cheaper and more cost-efficient
  4. Access to digital resources from the internet
  5. Ability to export and share notes

âČ Flexible and time efficient

Arguably the biggest advantage of online tutoring is the flexibility it offers to both tutors and students. Removing the commute to a physical location saves valuable time and energy. Students can schedule sessions at their convenience, fitting tutoring into their busy schedules. This is also valuable to students who need extra lessons before exams on week nights where travelling to a physical location may not be possible. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for late-stage high school students who may have extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, or other commitments

Online tutoring allows for seamless learning anytime and anywhere. As long as there’s an internet connection, students can participate in tutoring sessions from the comfort of their homes, libraries, or any other preferred location. This accessibility eliminates geographical limitations, making it possible to connect with tutors or students from different parts of the world, expanding opportunities for different learning experiences and perspectives

đŸ‘©â€đŸ« Access to more tutors and students from around the world

Online tutoring breaks down barriers and opens up a bigger pool of tutors and students. Unlike traditional tutoring, where students are limited to local options, online tutoring allows access to a global network of tutors with expertise in various subjects and specialized areas. This increased availability of tutors means students can find the right match for their specific needs and preferences. It also allows students who may not have local instructors (e.g. students in rural locations) to find assistance with their studies

Similarly, tutors can reach a broader audience and connect with students from around the world. This expanded reach not only enhances the tutor’s professional growth but also exposes students to diverse teaching styles, cultural perspectives, and academic approaches. The exchange of ideas and knowledge between tutors and students across different backgrounds enriches the learning experience and fosters a global mindset

💾 Cheaper and more cost-efficient

Online tutoring typically offers a more affordable option compared to traditional in-person tutoring. With no travel costs involved, students can save on transportation expenses, whether it’s commuting to a tutoring centre or having tutors travel to their homes. Additionally, online tutoring platforms often have competitive pricing structures, allowing students to compare rates and choose tutors that fit within their budgets

For tutors, online tutoring eliminates the need for renting physical spaces or travelling to students’ homes, reducing overhead costs. This cost-efficiency enables tutors to offer their services at competitive rates while maintaining their earning potential

Tutors can benefit from teaching small groups instead of one-on-one. It allows them to earn more money per hour and provides a more affordable option for a larger number of students. In-person tutors may struggle to find multiple students interested in the same subject. However, online tutoring eliminates this difficulty by enabling tutors to reach students from various locations who share a common interest, all without the need for travel

🌐 Access to digital resources from the internet

The internet is a treasure trove of educational resources, and online tutoring enables students to incorporate them into their lessons. Tutors can leverage digital materials, interactive exercises, videos, and other multimedia content to supplement their teaching. These resources provide engaging and dynamic learning experiences beyond traditional textbooks, promoting a deeper understanding of the subject matter

Online platforms like Kedyou provide specialized educational tools through a virtual whiteboard, along with screen sharing and video call features. This enhances the educational experience by enabling real-time interaction between tutors and students. Tutors can use the virtual whiteboard to annotate, explain, and visually illustrate concepts, making learning more effective. Additionally, students can import content from digital textbooks, academic journals, and online libraries into Kedyou workspaces, enhancing their understanding and knowledge of current literature

📝 Ability to export and share Notes

Online tutoring on a platform like Kedyou offers the convenience of exporting and sharing notes. Tutors can create digital notes during sessions, summarizing key points, explanations, and examples. Students can export these notes at any point in the lesson and can later use them as valuable study materials. Students can review and revisit these notes at their own pace, reinforcing their understanding of the topics covered during tutoring sessions. Additionally, the ability to export and share notes can improve collaboration between tutors and students and facilitates ongoing communication and feedback between lessons

🧠 Concluding thoughts

Overall, online tutoring provides flexible scheduling, greater accessibility to tutors and students, cost-efficiency, access to digital resources, and the ability to export and share notes, improving the traditional tutoring experience and offering immense benefits to tutors and late-stage high school students

If you’re thinking about tutoring online, consider reading our discussions on whether tutoring is worth it, the best subjects to tutor online, and consider using Kedyou to deliver your lessons. Kedyou’s online whiteboards for tutoring take less than 5 minutes to get started and are free forever

image of Elton Rodrigues

About Elton Rodrigues

Elton is the CEO of Kedyou, and a private tutor with 8+ years of experience. During that time he has started and helped manage multiple private educational initiatives

He also has an undergraduate Physics degree, and is a registered Medical Practitioner in Australia

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