14 JUN 2023

What are the best subjects to teach online?

Elton Rodrigues 3 min read

The best subjects to teach online

If you have considered the pros and cons of online tutoring, and possess the essential skills you’ll need as an online tutor, the first step to starting an online tutoring business is deciding which subjects to teach

🧠 How to determine if a subject is suitable for online teaching

When choosing subjects for online teaching, they should be easy to teach and understand using virtual platforms. They should be subjects that many students want to learn. When teaching these kinds of subjects tutoring-focused online applications like Kedyou can help you leverage features like virtual whiteboards and video calls to make the learning experience more engaging. For example, teaching biology online is easier than teaching drama because biology doesn’t rely as much on in-person interactions and reading body language. By focusing on subjects that are in high demand for tutoring, you increase your chances of attracting students and building a successful online teaching business

💡 Subjects in high demand that are suited to teaching online

  1. Maths - conceptually difficult, and sought-after with objective answers
  2. Science - compulsory, foundational and objective
  3. English - process-driven and nuanced
  4. Foreign language - online approaches allow for learning from native speakers
  5. Computer programming - in high demand and students can experiment as they learn

🔢 Maths

Mathematics is a subject that many students find challenging. It can be difficult for teachers to cater to the individual learning pace and pattern recognition abilities of all students. However, a skilled tutor can help simplify the complex logic and information involved in math. Online tutoring is particularly suitable for Maths because it is a mostly objective subject that can be effectively taught through online platforms

In the past, teaching maths using online whiteboards required expensive tablets. However, with the increasing affordability of tablets, this has become more feasible. An important consideration for tutors using this method is that it can create an uneven participation dynamic, as not all students may have the financial means to afford tablets. One way to fix this is by using specialised education platforms such as Kedyou which offer intuitive and user-friendly maths interfaces for people using keyboard and mouse

🧪 Science

Science subjects like physics, chemistry, and biology are in high demand for online teaching. They’re usually compulsory until the last few years of school and have high relevance to future careers. Online teaching can effectively address the individual needs of students, as these subjects are challenging to teach in traditional classrooms due to varying learning paces. The objective nature of science subjects, involving theoretical concepts, problem-solving skills, and experimental knowledge, makes them well-suited for remote teaching. By utilizing interactive tools, simulations, and virtual experiments, online science tutoring may provide a more engaging experience than a traditional in-person approach

Virtual platforms offer interactive learning experiences that enhance students’ understanding and retention of scientific concepts. Online approaches also allow flexibility, enabling students to work at their own pace and revisit complex topics to further solidify their understanding of scientific principles

💬 English

If you’re anything like me, you struggled with English during high school. English is a subject that often doesn’t get the love it deserves from students. English remains in high demand due to its nuance. Unlike other subjects with straightforward solutions, English focuses more on the process of communicating complex thoughts and ideas

A skilled English tutor can help students navigate through the intricacies of the subject and effectively express their thoughts in a logical manner. Developing these skills not only benefits students in their English studies but also helps them think critically and communicate effectively in other areas of life. When it comes to written English, online tutoring is the logical option. Written communication is all about conveying thoughts in a way that can be understood by someone who is not physically present or talking to you. Online tutoring provides the ideal platform for honing these written communication skills

🎓 Foreign languages

Learning a foreign language online has become increasingly popular. As online education has grown, students can now learn from native speakers in live lessons. The geographical factors that otherwise limit this make online approaches extremely useful in this case. Acquiring new language skills benefits travel, career advancement, and personal enrichment. A foreign language can open doors and be the difference between being hired for a role and missing out. Online platforms allow collaborative environments, real-time video calling and document editing to get the most out of any lessons with a live tutor

💻 Computer programming

Teaching computer programming online makes a lot of sense. Students can learn programming best by trying things out and building projects on their computers, making an online approach ideal. The demand for programming skills is rapidly growing because technology isn’t slowing down any time soon. The focus on problem-solving and breaking down problems in an objective way aligns well with online teaching

🤘 Concluding thoughts on the best subjects to teach online

The best subjects to teach online are maths, science (physics, chemistry, biology), English, foreign languages, and computer programming. These subjects are highly sought after and are well-catered to by online education platforms. If you’re interested in tutoring or have a passion for these subjects, teaching them online can be a rewarding opportunity

image of Elton Rodrigues

About Elton Rodrigues

Elton is the CEO of Kedyou, and a private tutor with 8+ years of experience. During that time he has started and helped manage multiple private educational initiatives

He also has an undergraduate Physics degree, and is a registered Medical Practitioner in Australia

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