Terms of Service

Reviewed 11/09/2023 by Elton Rodrigues

Next review: 08/09/2024

We want to provide the best online interactive educational experience possible. To achieve this, we ask that all users participate in such a way that promotes a friendly, positive experience for our community

These guidelines fall under a common sense philosophy and apply to all user-generated content and activity on our services. We will will continually update this document as Kedyou grows and progresses

To protect the integrity of our community, as the provider of the service, Kedyou reserves the right to suspend any account at any time for any conduct that we determine to be inappropriate or harmful. Such actions may include removal of content, a strike on the account, and/or suspension of account(s)


Kedyou is a collaborative tool to be used in good faith for education and group work. Kedyou can be used for personal or commercial purposes

“Kedyou” is reserved for services directly provided by Kedyou, and cannot be used without written permission elsewhere. All Kedyou services must be attributed to Kedyou. Any rebranding of Kedyou services is prohibited and will result in a permanent ban

We understand that education is a term with wide boundaries, however the use of Kedyou for teaching or organizing malicious, dangerous, or destructive skills is prohibited (e.g. indoctrination of terrorist practises, explosive manufacturing, vandalism, malicious hacking etc.)

Breaking the law

You must respect all applicable local, national, and international laws while using our services. Any content or activity featuring, encouraging, offering, or soliciting illegal activity is prohibited

Self-destructive behaviour

We understand that education about self-destructive behaviour is important, and our community should be able to discuss these topics openly. However, discussing or sharing any of these topics in a way that glorifies, promotes, or encourages these potentially dangerous behaviours is prohibited.

Some examples of self-harm behaviours and related content that the above applies to are:

  • Cutting of the wrists or mutilation of body parts;
  • Suicide attempts and threats of suicide;
  • Glorification and/or promotion of self-harm;
  • Sharing of suicide notes and/or graphic details related to a real suicide.
  • Promotion of eating disorders and sharing of eating disorder content

    the following are specific examples:

    • Saying that you're “pro-ana” because of the weight it helped you lose;
    • Sharing your diet plan of not eating for 3 days and then binge eating on day 4;
    • Promoting a pattern of regular exercise and severe caloric restriction;
  • Misuse of legal substances and substances not fit for human consumption (e.g., prescription drugs, whippets, tide pods, bleach);
  • Dangerous consumption of alcohol or other substances that lead to being incapacitated;
  • Dangerous or distracted driving, including using a phone while driving and drunk driving;

If you feel like you're struggling, or you've encountered someone who you believe might hurt themselves or others, or someone is at immediate risk of suicide, please contact an appropriate professional with the resources and expertise for urgent support that fits your needs and comfort, for instance, a mental health hotline or local law enforcement

Violence and threats

Acts and threats of violence will be taken seriously and are considered zero-tolerance violations and all accounts associated with such activities will be indefinitely suspended

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Attempts or threats to physically harm or kill others
  • Attempts or threats to hack others
  • Use of weapons to physically threaten, intimidate, harm, or kill others

Kedyou does not allow content that depicts, glorifies, encourages, or supports terrorism, or violent extremist actors or acts. This includes threatening to or encouraging others to commit acts that would result in serious physical harm to groups of people or significant property destruction. You may not share or link terrorist or extremist propaganda, including graphic pictures or footage of terrorist or extremist violence, even for the purposes of denouncing such content

In exceptional circumstances, we may pre-emptively suspend accounts when we believe an individual's use of Kedyou poses a high likelihood of inciting violence. In weighing the risk of harm, we consider an individual's influence in the community, the level of recklessness in their past behaviours (regardless of whether any past behaviour occurred on Kedyou), whether or not there continues to be a risk of harm, and the scale of ongoing threats

Hateful conduct and harassment

Hateful conduct and harassment are prohibited on Kedyou. Hateful conduct is any content or activity that promotes or encourages discrimination, denigration, harassment, or violence based on the following protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, colour, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, serious medical condition, and veteran status. We also provide certain protections for age. Kedyou has zero tolerance for hateful conduct, meaning we act on every valid reported instance of hateful conduct. We afford every user equal protection under this policy, regardless of their particular characteristics

Harassment has many manifestations, including personal attacks, promotion of physical harm, and malicious false report brigading. Sexual harassment, specifically, can take the form of unwelcome sexual advances and solicitations, sexual objectification, or degrading attacks relating to a person's perceived sexual practices

We will act on all instances of hateful conduct and harassment, with increasing severity of enforcement when the behaviour is targeted, personal, graphic, or repeated/prolonged, incites further abuse, or involves threats of violence or coercion. The most egregious violations may result in an indefinite suspension on the first offence

Unauthorized sharing of private information

Do not invade the privacy of others. It is prohibited to share content that may reveal private personal information about individuals, or their private property, without permission. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Sharing personally identifiable information (such as real name, location, or ID)
  • Sharing restricted or protected social profiles or any information from those profiles
  • Sharing content that violates another's reasonable expectation of privacy


Content or activity meant to impersonate an individual or organization is prohibited. Any attempts to misrepresent yourself as a member of Kedyou staff is a zero-tolerance violation and will result in indefinite suspension. Any attempts to impersonate others by creating false profiles will result in an indefinite suspension of both your account and the false account(s)

Names, subjects, and qualifications

Understanding the vast variety of knowledge that exists, we have allowed free input into subject and qualification fields on profiles. In order to ensure that our community is safe, inappropriate names or entries into these fields that violate these terms are prohibited. A non-exhaustive list of prohibited categories is:

  • Breaking the Law, including Terrorism and Child Exploitation
  • Violence and Threats
  • Hateful Conduct
  • Harassment and Sexual Harassment
  • Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
  • Impersonation
  • Glorification of natural or violent tragedies
  • Self-Destructive Behaviour
  • References to recreational drugs, hard drugs, and drug abuse
  • References to sexual acts, genital, or sexual fluids

If a subject, qualification, or name on Kedyou is found to be in breach of the above, we will request you to edit your profile immediately, however, to protect the integrity of our community we reserve the right to suspend the account for an indefinite duration

Spam, scams, and other malicious conduct

Any content or activity that disrupts, interrupts, harms, or otherwise violates the integrity of Kedyou's services or another user's experience or devices is prohibited. Such activity includes:

  • Posting large amounts of repetitive, unwanted messages or user reports
  • Distributing unauthorized advertisements
  • Phishing
  • Defrauding others
  • Spreading malware or viruses
  • Misinformation (such as feigning distress, posting misleading metadata)
  • Harmful misinformation actors
  • Selling or sharing user accounts
  • Reselling Kedyou services or features
  • Defacing, or attempting to deface, website pages or other Kedyou services (such as uploading inappropriate or malicious content)

Nudity, pornography, and other sexual content

Kedyou is an education platform, with a large proportion of our community being young. As such nudity sexually explicit content or activities, such as pornography, sexual acts or intercourse, and sexual services, are prohibited. This includes sharing in posts, or on webcams during sessions

Content or activities that threaten or promote sexual violence or exploitation are strictly prohibited and may be reported to law enforcement. Child exploitation will be reported to authorities via the Australian Police

Sexually suggestive content or activities are also prohibited, although they may be allowed in educational contexts (e.g. labelled diagrams human reproductive organs in a biology class). Kedyou reserves the right to interpret reported sexually suggestive content and warn, suspend, or terminate any associated accounts

Extreme violence, gore, and other obscene conduct

Content that exclusively focuses on extreme or gratuitous gore and violence is prohibited.

Intellectual property rights

You should only share content Kedyou that you own, or that you otherwise have rights to or are authorized to share. If you share content that you do not own or otherwise do not have the rights to share, you may be infringing another person's intellectual property rights. This includes any third-party content included in your content, derivative creations, or performances of others' copyrighted content. We encourage you to assess your content for adherence to applicable intellectual property laws and the proper application of principles such as fair use, and to secure all appropriate rights needed, before sharing your content on Kedyou.

Any unauthorized content you share on Kedyou violates our Terms of Service and is subject to removal. Multiple violations of our policies may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. Rights holders may request that Kedyou remove unauthorized content and/or issue penalties by getting in touch with Kedyou Staff

Examples of content you should not share on Kedyou without permission from the rights holders or unless otherwise permitted by law include:

  • Content from other sites
  • Unofficial links to movies, television shows, or sports matches
  • Goods or services protected by trademark

Off-service conduct

Kedyou is committed to facilitating vibrant and dynamic communities focused on education. This can only happen if our users feel secure and protected. In order to achieve this goal, Kedyou enforces against severe offences committed by members of the Kedyou community that occur outside of our services, such as hate group membership, terrorist recruitment, sexual assault, and child grooming. We will investigate reports that include verifiable evidence of these behaviours and, if we are able to confirm, issue enforcements against the relevant users. We will also consider allegations of similarly severe conduct by those wishing to join the Kedyou community and, if substantiated, we will terminate the account