12 JUN 2023

Why I wish I put more effort into English during high school

Elton Rodrigues 2 min read

Why English is important

English is extremely important for success in school, university and life. It’s also one of the best subjects to tutor online. Let me explain

Success comes from doing something valuable for others and communicating effectively enough to sell it. Both parts are necessary - one without the other is nowhere near as valuable as both. Even if you’re not directly involved in this, the company or organization you work for does this

STEM subjects like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics are highly valued and promoted to young students. They teach us how to build things and solve complex problems, which leads to well-paying jobs in high demand. However, the other aspect of effective communication and selling is often overlooked

I’ve always excelled in STEM fields. During high school, I used to “shoot for the pass” in English, because it was a requirement for university. After some experience in the real world, and building Kedyou, I realized that I underestimated the importance of good written communication. Let me explain why and by doing so, encourage others to prioritize it earlier in life

🦸‍♂️ Big things are rarely done alone

To achieve big things in life, you’ll probably need to work with other people. When you have a big goal, it may be crystal clear in your mind why it should be done. But others won’t join, help, or support you unless you can make them see the same vision. What’s obvious to you might not be obvious to them, and they’ll probably start off sceptical. That’s why clear written communication is vital. It helps you break down your vision and transfer it clearly to others, at their convenience. The ability to communicate ideas effectively through writing is incredibly valuable for anyone aiming to accomplish something significant

💸 Language drives action, action drives sales

Something I have learned in the last few years is that language has the power to drive action. In fields like marketing, advertising, and copywriting, language is used to communicate value, influence thoughts, and drive product purchases. Skilled negotiators use effective communication to meet their needs while respecting others. Good leaders use language to motivate colleagues and achieve goals

When used ethically, this approach focuses on addressing people’s needs and making the world better. It’s important to note that skilled marketers, advertisers, and copywriters can earn a good income and play significant roles in business, similar to builders. Having strong communication skills is essential as a foundation to develop these abilities. When combined with knowledge of behavioural psychology and business know-how, it can lead to great achievements

🧠 Clear communication conveys intelligence

First impressions matter whether it’s through ads, public speaking, or meeting other people. Clear, articulate communication shows intelligence. When other people perceive you as intelligent, they also take you more seriously (an unfortunate reality of our world), your statements gain weight. Take ChatGPT as an example - it turns information into human-like sentences, which makes itself sound intelligent (enough to fool people with wrong information sometimes). Another example of this is resume writing - concise and well-written statements make you stand out compared to verbose and less polished applicants

🚀 Builders who can communicate change the world

Being great at STEM subjects can make you feel like a wizard, especially in high school. But don’t forget about English and communication. Solving tough Maths problems gets you praise, but good writing skills can turn that praise into a career. The most successful people in the world are good at building by problem-solving and communicating well. English is important, it’s not just a university requirement

And for those who prefer language, give STEM a try. It’s not as hard as it seems and you can get amazing results by focusing on a skill that’s underdeveloped

Those who can create value, and communicate effectively are limited only by their imagination

If you’re interested in tutoring English online, we have a guide to help you get started. It’s part of our how to tutor series, which also has guides on tutoring maths and science

image of Elton Rodrigues

About Elton Rodrigues

Elton is the CEO of Kedyou, and a private tutor with 8+ years of experience. During that time he has started and helped manage multiple private educational initiatives

He also has an undergraduate Physics degree, and is a registered Medical Practitioner in Australia

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